2018 – January

A Message from Randy
To all of our generous supporters—thank you for your loyalty throughout 2017. During the winter and tough times especially, I am so grateful for all of our volunteers and donors. You have helped many of our guests transition from survival mode to living mode.
As we look ahead, we’re anticipating both our Easter meal and Strides to End Homelessness event. The time we share with guests over an Easter meal is a meaningful time, as we remind our city’s most vulnerable that they matter.
Strides, a 5k walk or a 10k run, will take place on March 3rd. It’s rewarding to see the community walk together with those we serve. We hope to see you there!
Your support has meant so much to our hundreds of guests, who’ve had warm beds to sleep in, nutritious meals to eat and the hope that community connection brings. As I look forward, I know that the future may not be easy, but with your continued support, I am confident that we can continue doing good in the community.

A Journey to Hope and Recovery
I had been struggling with addiction since my late 20’s when I moved to Kelowna in 2014. I wasn’t ready to give up my addiction, but something in me knew that I needed help.
My Mom told me about Harmony House, and gently persuaded me to do the intake interview. At first, I was reluctant because I didn’t believe in God, but I got accepted. I’ve been here since July 1, 2016.
As time went by, I became more open to God. One of the rules is that we have to go to church, so I would grudgingly go with Nancy, the Harmony House Director. We’d go to Kelowna Gospel Fellowship Church (KGF), where I was surprised by the warm welcome I received.
“The Mission has done so much for me and I am so thankful.” —Michelle
The more I participate in morning devotions and daily Bible reading, the closer to God I feel. I used to struggle a lot with self-forgiveness. Now, I have completely forgiven myself, and I’ve accepted God in my life.
This spring, I took Alpha at KGF, and that’s when I decided to get baptised. While I wrote my testimony, I realized that because of my addiction, part of my brain was still saying, “You don’t belong here. You don’t deserve it.” But I know that God has forgiven me and made me a new creation. I know that I deserve it.
One of the blessings in my life is that I have an amazing relationship with my family. It’s a beautiful gift of recovery. I’m 41 years old and I have a great relationship with my 22-year-old son, my Dad and my Mom.
The Mission has done so much for me and I am so thankful. I have eaten here, made friends here and made a home here. I’ve also received healthcare from the onsite dentist and chiropractor. Harmony House has saved my life.
I like the day-to-day routine of living in Harmony House, and the 24-hour support. It also helps to be surrounded by other women who are going through similar experiences. I’m never alone. They accept you where you’re at and whatever you need, they try to make it happen.
I’m so grateful for the life-changing support that Kelowna’s Gospel Mission offers. I wish the Mission had the resources to open more houses so more women could be helped!

Your Gifts Change Lives
Carroll Vance retired from the police force 30 years ago. During his time with the police, he led many street people to the Lord. Now Carroll is a Kelowna’s Gospel Mission donor.
When asked why he gives, he said, “Everything we have belongs to God. I’m inspired by Proverbs 28: 27, where it says, ‘Those who give to the poor will lack nothing.’”
Thank you Carroll, for all you’ve given to the Mission and community! It’s because of people like Carroll, and donors like you, that the Mission is able to continue making an impact on the lives of our community’s most vulnerable members.

Looking Forward to Easter and Strides!
On Saturday, March 3rd, you’re invited to join us at our 7th annual fundraising family-friendly 5K walk or 10K run, Strides to End Homelessness. Our goal is to raise $45,000 to support men and women at the Emergency Shelter and at Harmony House, our women’s transitional house.
We’re also preparing to host our special Easter meal on Saturday, March 31st from noon until 6pm. We anticipate serving over 900 meals.